Web Push Notifications :
Reach to the customers even they aren’t on your website. Just send in a web push message to your subscribers based on their on-site activity and you are good to go. It acts like a personalized message targeting to the specific customer and makes them feel valued. What more? You can add direct action buttons with links to direct the subscriber to the next action, anytime you like!

Visitor Feedback:
Want an omnipotent feedback solution for all the visitors? No problem. Feedify offers a Feedback tray that compartmentalizes Feedbacks for you, giving a sophisticated touch to feedbacks. The responses reach the concerned department and you are good to go!

Doing product improvement research? You can do that for free with Feedify. Create a survey pop up that eases the process of getting answers from people who matter, without having them open a new tab!

Run A Campaign:
Boost your sales with attractive, interactive & strategically targeted Offer Pop-ups! Choose from a range of designs and layouts or create one on your own that matches your campaign needs. Create a campaign layout for a campaign of any choice. Collect emails, basic personal details, offer coupon codes, integrate action buttons or simply inform. Possibilities are endless with Feedify!

All events can be narrowed via browser, device, country, time zone, scroll, stay time, end date, visitor type etc.

After Sales Reviews and Ratings:
Completed a sale? Want to know how it went? Automate the whole Procedure with Feedify’s ‘After Sales Feedback’. Send a message right in the mailbox of the customer and know how you did!